Our Agreement among We, the People

Our Agreement among We, the People
May all true Americans come to know, understand, appreciate, and fulfill our Agreement among We, the People.

Friday, July 18, 2014

You want answers?  Are you asking the right questions?

Speaker of the House John Boehner has threatened to bring a lawsuit alleging that President Barack Obama has failed to carry out his constitutional duty to enforce the law.  John Boehner has said: “This isn’t about Republicans versus Democrats; it’s about the legislative branch versus the executive branch, and above all protecting the Constitution” “The current president believes he has the power to make his own laws — at times even boasting about it.”

If you are focused as Boehner wants you to be, then you are not asking the right question. 

If you want to start asking the right questions, become a true AmericanUnderstand, appreciate and fulfill our Agreement among We, the People.  The Constitution and the institutional structure of our Federal Government are, and always have been, subordinate to our Agreement among We, The People.